MOM HACKS: Back to School

hacks back to school hacks back to school

There always comes that moment during the dog days of summer when reality sets in: time to bounce into back to school mode. Get an A+ on your first day back at school with these 15 hacks.


Items in shower caddy:

Homework Tray:

Scavenger hunt:


Check out some of our previous MOM HACKS ℠ episodes: 

Ep. 1 Grocery Shopping
Ep. 2 Arts & Crafts
Ep. 3 Laundry Edition

Ep. 4 The Holidays

Ep. 5 Bath Time

Ep. 6 Strollers

Ep. 7 Dad Edition

Ep. 8 Sick and Ouchie

Ep. 9 Toy Organization

Ep. 10 Thanksgiving!

Ep. 11 Doll Edition

Ep. 13 Halloween

Ep. 14 Bedtime
Ep. 15 Inside Activities
Ep. 16 Saving Money
Ep. 17 Road Trip
Ep. 18 Movie Night
Ep. 19 Valentine’s Day
Ep. 20 Recyclables
Ep. 21 Potty Training
Ep. 22 Epic Summer

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Elle Walker is a co-founder at What's Up Moms and the mom to three kids (10, 7, 5). In her spare time, she loves testing out kids activities (often muttering, "Pinterest, you lie"), to find the best activities that minimize set-up, reduce costs, and uses stuff up around the house. Follow her behind the scenes at Instagram @whatsupelle. {{Privy:Embed campaign=591322}}