Here’s our roundup of the best gifts for preschool graduation, hand-picked by parents and teachers. These items are special enough to mark this Very Big Deal occasion – and will also help proud preschool grads as they leave a sheltered world of pure play to go on and develop skills that will serve them in Kinder and beyond.
This game is a bestseller for a reason. It incorporates counting, number recognition, and sight words into a super fun-filled activity that kids can enjoy with other players or on their own.
Mindfulness Activity Cards
When you’re little, there are so many big feelings and it’s sometimes hard to know what do with them all. Help kids stay centered and reconnect with their zen with this fun deck of mindfulness activities. Great for stressed out mamas too. 🧘
eeBoo Create and Tell Me a Story Cards
Pre-K kids are just starting to grasp the art of storytelling and probably telling you a few tall tales too. Inspire their imagination as you create stories together with this portable deck of cards. Great for travel!
Count Your Chickens
Cooperation may not be your kid’s strong suit (yet!) but this award-winning board game cannot be won without it. Players work together to help mother hen collect her chicks and bring them back to the coop, and when you get ’em all in, everyone wins. Teamwork makes the dream work, baby.
Magnatab Board
Learn to spell F-U-N with this magnetic board that uses sensory reinforced play to teach letter formation. The best part is it’s a no-mess (aw yeah) gift that keeps on giving. Just erase the letters with your fingers and start over.
Yoga Pretzels
Channel that endless energy in a healthy direction with Yoga Pretzels cards. Infinitely portable and great for helping to develop gross motor skills — and mindfulness, which they will seriously need on that Big Kid Playground moving forward. Namaste.
iSpy game
The classic game of iSpy now comes in Bingo form. Encourage their verbal and visual skills and learn about new objects all while having a blast. Plus, this is a game they can play well into their 80’s when they’re whooping it up in Florida with all their friends. 😉
Preschool grads are so brimming with excitement that sometimes waiting and listening can be hard. (We feel you, btw.) This guessing game rewards the best listeners and is actual, uproarious fun for the whole family. Game on.
eeBoo Travel Bingo
Remember how loooong summer vacay used to feel when you were little? And definitely long enough to forget everything you learned in school. If you’re traveling this summer, this is a super fun way to incorporate learning into your trip.
Wondrous Road Book
What does the road ahead look like for your preschool grad? Absolutely magical, just like this book. They’ll love being at the center of this awesome story, personalized with their name.
The Wonderful Things You Will Be
Transitions can be scary for preschoolers as they try to sort out what lies ahead. This beautiful story celebrates change and reasserts the unconditional love their parents have for them. Cue the happy tears.