Thanksgiving can be complicated. Typically, some of the burning questions are 1) where to have Thanksgiving and with whom, 2) what to serve, 3) how to serve it, and 4) what time to eat it. But for me, I’m not exaggerating when I say that the most planning-intensive aspect of Thanksgiving is always figuring out what to wear.
Can we all agree that Thanksgiving fashion can be a minefield? Gatherings vary so much from home to home, so the nuances are many, the risks major. As I see it, here are the bare minimum considerations that should go into outfit-choosing:
1) What’s on the agenda? Some groups Turkey Trot (strange to me). Some take pre-meal walks to work up an appetite, or post-meal walks to “digest” or enjoy nature (odd to me). Some families watch football (relatable, but unfamiliar to me). Some families play football (confusing to me). Wherever yours falls on the “active/weird” to “lazy/my-kind-of-people” spectrum, know the plan and dress accordingly.

2) Who are the hosts? Is the meal at your house, or at Grandma’s? Are you trekking to your fancy-china-and-wedding-silver mother-in-law’s house, or heading next door to your eat-on-the-couch-in-front-of-the-TV friends’ house? Some families prioritize comfort above all else on Thanksgiving, and others treat the meal as a special and formal occasion. Know what flavor your hosts are, and if all else fails, wear something that can go both ways, like these fine folks below who know that the answer is neutral pants and a colorful sweater.

3) Who’s cooking? If you’re going to be spending time in the kitchen, especially if it isn’t yours (with its easy access to your closet), you need to make sure your footwear is comfortable and your fabrics sponge-able for when you inevitably get splattered with something. Or, at the very least, invest in a cute apron.

4) What article of clothing can accommodate the expansion of your stomach? Even if your TG dress code is decidedly fancypants, your fancy pants need to be… forgiving. There is nothing for which I am more thankful on Thanksgiving than an elastic waistband. I also have a kind of frumpy, empire waist sweater-dress about which my husband once said, lovingly, “That makes you look ugly.” (In his defense, I think it was the third Thanksgiving in a row I’d worn it.) I have a friend who still digs out maternity pants on this most blessed of days, and I urge you to employ the same ninja-like savvy.

And of course, most importantly:
5) What is your turkey going to wear?