5 Mistakes You Might Be Making When Discussing Race With Kids: Interview w/ The Mom Psychologist

parenting race mistakes parenting race mistakes

Watch and re-watch to really soak in this incredible advice from Dr. Jazmine McCoy on how we can better teach our kids (and ourselves) about race and diversity. Having these conversations isn’t easy, but it’s so necessary, and, as Dr. Jazmine reminds us, it’s never too early to start having these talks in our homes — even with the littles. Check out Dr. Jazmine on YouTube, Instagram, and at her website.

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Elle Walker is a co-founder at What's Up Moms and the mom to three kids (10, 7, 5). In her spare time, she loves testing out kids activities (often muttering, "Pinterest, you lie"), to find the best activities that minimize set-up, reduce costs, and uses stuff up around the house. Follow her behind the scenes at Instagram @whatsupelle. {{Privy:Embed campaign=591322}}