Inever thought I’d be the kind of mom that dyes macaroni (or joins the PTA), but turns out dried pasta activities are actually quite easy, they keep forever, and there are tons of ways to play with it. Here are our three favorite dried pasta activities. Verdict still out on the PTA.
Pasta Art
- Uncooked pasta- bowties, tubes, elbow, go crazy!
- Glue
- Plastic bag
- Kool-Aid
- Vinegar
- Paper
Take a plastic baggy, add some noodles, kool-aid andvinegar then shake it up and let it dry for about 20-30 minutes. We made 4 beautiful colors – yellow, green, purple, and red. The kids then used glue and paper to make their pasta masterpieces! We realized pretty quickly that with 3-year-olds itâs helpful to give them an outline if you want more of a finished product. đÂ
Play-Doh Structures
- Uncooked pasta
- Playdoh
This is my favorite, because I love watching the kids try to build things. I had to help a little, but the kids got totally into it. You can use the dough as a base, loop the smaller noodles through the bigger ones and let creativity take over!
Kitchen Play
- Uncooked pasta
- Play kitchen dishes
This is something our friend Olivia discovered. She and Ford made us lots of different soup creations and I love that you can store it all for later use. Just know that you might have to fake eat a lot of macaroni. Â