Chocolate Covered Strawberries Two Ways

I dare you to find a kid who doesn’t like a little twist in presentation.  And lollipops?  We all know how kids feel about those.  Here are two versions of chocolate covered strawberries to win over your kids.


  • large strawberries
  • 1 cup chocolate chips
  • 3 tsp oil (I prefer refined coconut oil)

Strawberry Lollipops

  • sturdy straws (link above for the ones I used)
  • Ribbon
  • sprinkles

Strawberry Smores

  • ½  cup marshmallows
  • 2 sheets crushed graham crackers (I like original flavor)

1. Clean and dry strawberries very well.
2. In bowl, melt chocolate and oil, 30 seconds at a time, stirring at each interval.
3. For LOLLIPOPS: Hull strawberries and put a straw through the center.  Dip in chocolate and let excess drip off. Decorate with sprinkles.
4. For SMORES: Melt marshmallows in an oversized bowl for about 15-25 seconds.  They will puff up. Stir until melted. Dip strawberries in marshmallow, then cool stemside down.  Dip in chocolate and sprinkle on graham crackers.


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Meg is a Co-Founder of What's Up Moms and the mom to three kids (12, 10 and 7). She wishes her kids asked for caramelized brussel sprouts and wild salmon salad every night. But most of the time, you'll find her whipping up a kid-friendly pasta or a sweet treat with a healthy twist. Her motto is: everything in moderation... except coffee. Find her on Instagram @madewithmeg. {{Privy:Embed campaign=591322}}