This episode was 100% Avery’s idea. đ I could get on board with my kids making dinner every night! But we’ll start with just once a week. This homemade pasta is so easy and fun and Avery has never been more excited to cook.
- 1 cup flour
- 2 eggs
- Extra water (in a dish) and flour on hand in case itâs needed
- (note: a pasta roller attachment for a mixer is helpful; a rolling pin will do the job, though)
1) With your hands, form a mountain of flour. Use an egg to press a little bowl shape into the center of your flour mound.
2) Crack both eggs into the hole.
3) Use a fork to break up the yolk; mix egg and flour together. Knead with hands until the dough is well-formed.
4) Thin out the dough using either a rolling pin (more labor intensive) or a pasta roller attachment on a mixer. Mixer directions: Start by feeding the dough through on the widest setting. If it gets sticky, dust with extra flour. Fold the pasta over itself and feed it through again on the same setting, continuing to fold over after each ride through the mixer. Set to increasingly thin level (twice through at each setting) up to level 5.
5) Once your dough is thin and smooth, use a knife or pizza cutter to cut strips about an inch thick, then slice in the other direction so you have rectangle shapes. Use fingers to pinch in the center to create the bowtie (farfalle) shape.
6) Cook for 3-10 minutes in boiling water (time varies based on pasta thickness)
7) Toss with butter & cheese and enjoy!