3 Non-Cereal Breakfasts Your Kids Can Make

non cereal breakfasts kids non cereal breakfasts kids

Who needs cereal when your kids could be making these three easy, delicious breakfast for themselves?! Radical notion: Mom, you stay in bed and sleep to your heart’s content. The kids are alright. (And well fed. 😉)

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Meg is a Co-Founder of What's Up Moms and the mom to three kids (12, 10 and 7). She wishes her kids asked for caramelized brussel sprouts and wild salmon salad every night. But most of the time, you'll find her whipping up a kid-friendly pasta or a sweet treat with a healthy twist. Her motto is: everything in moderation... except coffee. Find her on Instagram @madewithmeg. {{Privy:Embed campaign=591322}}