save on cleaning
What’s almost as satisfying as cleaning your own house? Watching someone else clean theirs… on a budget. Just like the dust under your couch, the cost of cleaning supplies can really start to add up. Here are three ways to save on cleaning.
1. Make it yourself
- Make your own cleaners! Lots of times we think we have to spend a bunch of money on expensive cleaning products, but that’s just not the case. The vast majority of surfaces in your home can be cleaned using a mild dish soap and a little water in a spray bottle. It makes a great surface spray. It also lifts stains from carpets. It’s mild so it won’t damage surfaces and picks up a ton of grime.
- You can also try my favorite DIY All-Purpose cleaner, which is a 50/50 blend of water and vinegar and a little bit of eucalyptus or lavender essential oils for their anti-microbial properties. This is a great All Purpose cleaner for any non-porous surface and it will leave your windows streak-free! I love this stuff. I love even more that you can save a bunch. A spray bottle like this costs about $3-4 at the store and I’m making it for just $.75. One of the biggest complaints I hear about natural cleaners or natural cleaning products is the residue it leaves behind on surfaces. The reason for this is the water that’s left on the surface which can also cause the bacteria to regrow.
- I like to follow up with a polishing cloth after cleaning. It takes up all of the water and leaves your countertops looking beautiful. I always make this Carson’s job!
2. Buy $1 products
- I love the off-brand magic erasers. You can find these at the Dollar Store or even on Amazon in large quantities. They will clean any knick or scuff off the wall, and believe me, we have a lot of them.
- I also love the Dollar Store microfiber gloves for cleaning blinds and tops of ceiling fans. I also adore their microfiber cloths. They’re just a buck and they do have eco-friendly options.
- The sponges are another great buy and always pick up a squeegee especially if you have a glass shower door it’s going to save you a lot of cleaning from hard water stains.
3. Reuse
- Avoid paper towels wherever you can. Use old rags or t-shirts for an inexpensive way to dust.
- To revive and disinfect your sponges stick them in the microwave for 10 seconds or you can even put them in the dishwasher.
- My secret weapon is a ready-to-go mop with a removable and washable pad. It’s perfect for those quick spills.