Tweets From Parents Who Are So Over Summer

parents twitter summer parents twitter summer

The 4th of July has come and gone, summer’s officially, fully underway and… um… when does school start again?

First symptom of summer.

But of course.

What is weekend?

At least there’s the beach. (Remember the beach?)

It’s so worth it tho. You’re building memories.

The lazy days of summer mean there’s time for creative projects…

…and healthy, relaxed meals together.

Also simple nostalgic pleasures.

The sounds of nature can quiet the brain.

Great to see kids embrace nature…

…and even learn to care for the earth.

Summer’s a fun time for parents to get creative.

Nothing better than time spent adventuring with family.

No homework means kids have a chance to pitch in a little more. 

It’s great to be alive in summer!