5 Ways to Occupy Baby (While Occupying Yourself!)

occupy baby occupy baby

Something that people don’t really talk about is that while babies are absolutely wonderful they can sometimes get a little boring. Here are 5 ways to occupy your baby while occupying yourself.

Conference Call
They say that the more words a baby hears before they’re 3-years-old the higher their IQ. However, it can be kind of hard to have a conversation especially when they’re not talking back. What I like to do is call someone else, put the phone on speaker and then just look at Tess while I’m talking. She doesn’t really notice the difference!

Workout Buddies
I haven’t stepped into a gym for over 5 years, but we do fit in mini-workouts. Babies really like to be stretched especially because they’ve been so cramped up in the womb. I think Tess enjoys watching me try to kickbox.

Spa Day
I like to pretend we’re doing a spa day. I play music, I put on the candles while I’m giving Tess a bath. My husband totally makes fun of me but it’s really nice for both of us to have a little relaxing time…until one of the big kids come in.

Dance Party
Before they start requesting “Wheels on a Bus,” get your fix of Top 40. We love doing these lip-syncing dance parties into the mirror. Although Tess does have a “mommy you’re embarrassing me” face the entire time.  

Sometimes you can get something done by pretending it’s a game. Folding laundry is a great example; you can play peek-a-boo. The babies love sensory activities and it feels good being productive although I have to say full disclosure: between the hours of 5-7 Tess is so fussy and I can never accomplish any of the above. These are all done when she’s awake and happy during the day.

Let me know how you like playing with your baby!

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Elle Walker is a co-founder at What's Up Moms and the mom to three kids (10, 7, 5). In her spare time, she loves testing out kids activities (often muttering, "Pinterest, you lie"), to find the best activities that minimize set-up, reduce costs, and uses stuff up around the house. Follow her behind the scenes at Instagram @whatsupelle. {{Privy:Embed campaign=591322}}