Istill can’t get over how consistently big these bubbles were! Forget hiring entertainment at your next birthday party, just make this solution, give the kids some DIY straw wands, and you’re ready to go!
- Straws: We found that glass straws are the best, but they obviously can break, so next best are paper straws.
- String: Either yarn or twine
- Hot glue
- Sticks (we used skewers we had laying around)
- 4 qts (16 cups) of water
- 8 oz liquid dish soap
- 1 tablespoon Guar Gum
- 1 tablespoon of
Whisk the mix together. String your twine through 2 straws and then hot glue a stick into each straw as “handles”. Dip your DIY wand into the suds and voila! Definitely better than your store bought variety!