Over the Hump! MONTH 2 WEEK 1

Approved by the What’s Up Moms Medical Advisory Board

It’s superfun that baby’s becoming more alert, but it means she’s more alert to everything — barking dogs, the sound of the dishwasher, rustling leaves outside — and will turn her head to check out all manner of exciting things in the world. To cut down on distractions during feedings, you may now need to nurse in a quiet room free of conversations, television, or music. #savethenipple

Baby’s jerky arm and leg movements are starting to smooth out some, though you’ll still probably want to swaddle her for sleeping for that extra dose of calming cocoon-ness. She’s now able to check out more complex, colorful illustrations and patterns, so try a mobile in the bouncer seat. Speaking of the crib, baby’s now staying awake for slightly longer intervals during the day, and if you’re lucky, you’re also seeing some longer sleep stretches at night. Spend a few minutes each day on tummy time.  All those mini upward dog poses help to build baby’s neck muscles.

Especially if you’re going back to work soon you may be thinking about caretakers for the first time. Start by talking to like-minded friends – this is one of the best ways to learn about the potential advantages and disadvantages of different kinds of setups: nannies, part time ‘sitters, daycare centers, home-based daycares, etc. Then poke around online to see what parents post in their own nanny/babysitter ads, which will help you catalogue your own needs.

If you’re going the daycare route, visit some facilities. Ask questions, of course, but don’t forget to spend time also just being a fly on the wall. If you’re going the sitter or nanny route, don’t be shy about calling references and doing a trial period of some length so you can get a sense of how they interact with your baby (and you). Chemistry is everything.

You can take comfort in the fact that baby is pretty much like whatever about separating from you. She loves you something fierce, but little ones do not experience anxiety around separation until their concept of object permanence is solid, which happens around 6 or 7 months at the earliest.  

You, on the other hand…