If your kids say “I’m hungry” as much as ours do, you know how quickly feeding a family can add up. Kathryn to the rescue with 5 easy tricks to save significant money without turning into a crazy coupon lady…. (the kind that holds up the line while your kids meltdown over gum in Aisle 4).
1. Forget coupons – Save 30% on your grocery bill by just buying the private label store brands. Shop sales using store circulars, free app like flip that shows you all of the sales digitally. Aim to stock up on 6-8 weeks worth because that’s how long the sales cycles last.
2. Freeze it – The average family of four wastes up to $1,500 every year on food. Anything from cheese, bread, or herbs can be frozen (download our freezer guide). And you can save 50% by buying frozen to begin with. Foods that are rich in Vitamin A and Vitamin E like carrots, spinach and broccoli pack just as many nutrients as the fresh stuff. Pro Tip: If food goes bad before the expiration date, take it back to the store, most will give you a full refund.
3. Create a meal plan – Before you go grocery shopping take inventory of what’s in your pantry and create a meal around it and what’s on sale on the store circular. I keep a binder with 20 recipes my family loves to reduce the guesswork and speed up the process.
4. Buy in Bulk – Cook a quadruple batch and start a meal-share with friends. It’s a super easy (and cost-effective!) way to vary up your menu.
5. Don’t Shop – There are so many 3rd party delivery services, but I like using the ones that that grocery stores, like Walmart, offer for free. You save time and reduce impulse purchases (and meltdowns), while still getting the in-store discount prices.
Check out our Mom Hacks: Grocery Shopping to make the trip to the store a breeze!