Sure, you couldn’t wait for that very long summer to end, but now look what’s happened to your life. Make no mistake: when the kids start school, the whole family starts school.
Like most milestones, starting school is an adjustment for kids and their parents.
Welcome to being the parent of school-aged children! Enjoy getting your errands done in a fraction of the time and having mild heart attacks whenever your phone rings and their school is on the caller ID.
— the Mom TruthBomb (@momTruthBomb) December 6, 2018
Forgot to post a picture to social media of my kids on their first day of school. Do they have to repeat the year now, or what happens?
— Unfiltered Mama 💗✌️ (@UnfilteredMama) August 28, 2018
Being in charge isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.
First day of school & my son already brought home a picture form & now I have to decide if I want a basic package or spend $200 & get his face on a hand towel.
— Sarcastic Mommy (@sarcasticmommy4) August 15, 2019
Have the confidence to march to your own beat.
You and your kid may graduate to a whole new level of teamwork.
My son just told me WE are halfway done with his homework & then threw in a "Good job!"
What level of hell is this?
— Sarcastic Mommy (@sarcasticmommy4) September 6, 2017
Maybe you never wanted to be on the team in the first place. Irrelevant.
I tried to slow cook a pot roast this morning by plugging in the toaster, but sure son, let me help you with your math homework.
— Sara Says Stop (@PetrickSara) February 16, 2018
You may start to feel like you should be getting paid.
Let's get married & have kids so instead of watching TV Sunday night you can research Plymouth Rock while I go buy a tri-fold poster board.
— Simon Holland (@simoncholland) January 13, 2019
Emotions may come to the fore.
Me, to 10yo: The first step in doing your math homework is *starts crying*
— Jessie (@mommajessiec) October 8, 2018
You will find ways to cope.
wife on facebook: homework with 9, he's doing so well!
wife to me: it took him 8 tries to spell cake. CAKE. grab some wine on your way home
— Josh (@iwearaonesie) September 9, 2014
The art of the excuse. You will get really, really good at it.
Her: Are you going to the PTA meeting?
Me: It’s at 8AM. I can’t make it that early.
Her: This month they’re doing a late meeting at 6PM.
Me: Right. Yeah, I also cannot make that time either.
— MyQuestionableLife (@2questionable) December 5, 2018
Kids aren’t the only ones who get to explore their own personal style.
Other moms at school drop-off: Striped knit top, French tuck, moto leggings, Chucks, beach waves
Me at school drop off: <is Junior Gorg from Fraggle Rock>
— AsKateWouldHaveIt (@KateWouldHaveIt) August 14, 2018
A family’s first school often leads to lifelong friendships.
School function: I'm happy!
PTA meeting: I'm helpful!
Parent/teacher conference: I'm cheerful!
School drop-off car lane: I WILL CUT A BITCH— Wendy S. (@maughammom) May 24, 2017
You’ll find that curricula vary widely.
Me: What did you do at school today?
5-year-old: Learned about dragons.
Me: Your class learned about dragons?
5: I learned about dragons. I don't know what everybody else was doing.
— James Breakwell, Exploding Unicorn (@XplodingUnicorn) April 19, 2018
All teachers have their own style; some might be using the dark arts.
*observing my daughter in preschool*
Me: Ok, but how do you get her to just sit there and listen?
Teacher: We practice patience and teach them to do the same.
Me: Right, right. But, like, what bribes are you using?
— Lauren Mullen (@DraggingFeeties) August 6, 2018
Expect your number of sick days off of work to skyrocket.
Me: So, what did you bring home from preschool today?!?
3yo: *sneezes*
— Jessie (@mommajessiec) October 16, 2018
Like any mom, you’ll do whatever it takes to best support your child’s learning.
Packing School Lunch at the Beginning of the Year: sandwich, crackers, GoGurt, apple slices, juice box, napkin, “I love you!” note
Packing School Lunch at the End of the Year: Chili’s gift card, M&Ms from Halloween
— AsKateWouldHaveIt (@KateWouldHaveIt) May 4, 2018
Sure, there are some to-dos involved….
Like an inmate, she scratches off the next square on the school lunch calendar, counting down the days till she can taste the sweet freedom of not having to pack another lunch box.
— the Mom TruthBomb (@momTruthBomb) January 16, 2019
But when that bell rings, it all feels worth it.
There’s all the darkness in the world, and then there’s my kindergartener’s face lighting up when she comes out of school and sees me waiting for her at the end of the day.
— SpacedMom (@copymama) December 17, 2018