10 Tweets On the Legit Struggle of Getting Kids Dressed and Out the Door

tweets tweets

It shouldn’t be so complicated right? You have three ingredients: a new day, someplace to go, and your kids – who are human beings AKA members of a very highly evolved species. BUT YOU GUYS. This simple task can break you. Check out these parents’ tweets on all the ways getting kids dressed and out the door can go terribly, terribly sideways.

First, you must lovingly rouse your little angels.

You might assume they know what the next logical step is. Don’t assume that.


Time-management isn’t really a thing.

Leave some time to find lost things that could be anywhere in your house or nowhere at all.

Make no mistake: the clock is your enemy.

Factor in time for weeping.

There are important decisions to be made about what makes it into the backpack…

… And certain speed bumps simply can’t be avoided.

Especially when it’s slightly chilly outside.

Maybe next time you’ll plan ahead a little better??

Kim Bongiorno loves writing everything from tweets to full-length fantastical fiction. She lives in NJ with her husband and two kids, who are wonderfully tolerant of her book hoarding tendencies. Follow her on Twitter @letmestart or learn more at KimBongiornoWrites.