We love our Mother’s Day macaroni necklaces, we really do. But we also have hopes and dreams. A lady can dream, right???
Anticipation is half the fun. CAN SOMEONE PLEASE INVENT THIS?
An advent calendar, but for Mother’s Day. And each day has a mini bottle of wine and a pre-matched pair of kid’s socks.
— AsKateWouldHaveIt (@KateWouldHaveIt) April 15, 2018
The ideal Mother’s Day gift is amazingly simple.
All I want for Mother’s Day is to sleep for 9 straight hours, wake up to the sound of coffee brewing and then have my husband say things like, “I’m gonna take the kids all day so you can sit on the couch in your pjs and buy your Mother’s Day gift in peace!”
— Mommy Owl (@Mommy__Owl) May 4, 2019
Like, no bells & whistles, bar-is-low level simple.
I don’t know what my husband is planning on doing for me for Mother's Day but I hope it's the laundry.
— Sarcastic Mommy (@sarcasticmommy4) May 4, 2019
For Mother’s Day, all I want is to go 24 hours without sighing.
— SpacedMom (@copymama) May 10, 2018
Is this what they mean by “self-care?”
All I want for Mother’s Day is to sit down on something that isn’t a toilet.
— Megan Rikas (@MegsHAUSTED) May 9, 2018
If you can dream it, you can do it.
All I want for Mother's Day is a big box of uninterrupted sleep and an entire bottle of peace and quiet.
— OneFunnyMummy (@OneFunnyMummy) May 8, 2017
Just remember: it’s not an ordinary day so don’t treat it like one.
Instead of doing the 100 things I normally do, I decided to relax for Mother’s Day and only do 87 of those tasks.
— Jessie (@mommajessiec) May 13, 2018
(But keep the ship afloat, k?)
Telling a mom to relax while her family does everything on Mother’s Day is like telling a pilot to relax while the passengers fly the plane.
— SpacedMom (@copymama) May 14, 2017
Oh, and about sleeping in… that might ruin things for your kids.
If you’re not awakened by small children lovingly shoving handmade gifts in your face at 6am, is it even Mother’s Day?
— Sara Says Stop (@PetrickSara) May 13, 2018
Those handprint gifts tug at the heart just a little, tho. C’mon.
Nothing says Mother's Day like a kid handprint memento to symbolize the handprints moms wipe off every single surface, every single day. ✋️
— Stephanie Ortiz (@Six_Pack_Mom) May 14, 2017
The kids just get so excited. (Sorry again about the sleeping thing.)
Thanks for always acting surprised by breakfast in bed like you slept right through the great pots and pans avalanche of 6:45 AM.
Happy Mother’s Day
— Simon Holland (@simoncholland) May 13, 2018
And you know what? Enjoy it while you can — because when it’s over? IT IS OVER.
Like the clock striking midnight for Cinderella, Mother's Day abruptly ends with the realization that I need to make lunches for tomorrow.
— Amy Dillon (@amydillon) May 8, 2016