12 Funny Tweets That Sum Up the Reality of Mother’s Day

tweets Mother's Day tweets Mother's Day

We love our Mother’s Day macaroni necklaces, we really do. But we also have hopes and dreams. A lady can dream, right???

Anticipation is half the fun. CAN SOMEONE PLEASE INVENT THIS?

The ideal Mother’s Day gift is amazingly simple.

Like, no bells & whistles, bar-is-low level simple.


Is this what they mean by “self-care?”

If you can dream it, you can do it.

Just remember: it’s not an ordinary day so don’t treat it like one.

(But keep the ship afloat, k?)

Oh, and about sleeping in… that might ruin things for your kids.

Those handprint gifts tug at the heart just a little, tho. C’mon.

The kids just get so excited. (Sorry again about the sleeping thing.)

And you know what? Enjoy it while you can — because when it’s over? IT IS OVER.

Happy Mother’s Day!

Kim Bongiorno loves writing everything from tweets to full-length fantastical fiction. She lives in NJ with her husband and two kids, who are wonderfully tolerant of her book hoarding tendencies. Follow her on Twitter @letmestart or learn more at KimBongiornoWrites.