Creating a schedule with three kids is no easy task, but here’s our daily schedule and some tips that have helped me stay on schedule.
Our Schedule
7am – Wake up
8:15am – Off to School
9am – Ryder’s first nap
12pm – Ryder’s second nap
2pm – Pick kids up from school
3pm – Ryder’s third nap
5pm – Dinner
6pm – Bath time
7pm – Bed time
Prep the Night Before
- We do our best to lay out the outfits for the kids the night before
- I do all my lunch prep the night before so in the morning all I have to do is pack the lunch.
- I’ve tried to teach the kids how to make their own breakfast, so it’s not something I’m constantly running around to do and I have time to get ready myself.
Aim For One Nap In Crib For Babies
- Between carpool and afternoon activities, Ryder is usually falling asleep in the car or the stroller.
- If I can get the middle nap in his crib it’s really great for sleep training
Plan Your Meals
- Weekly meal planning is incredibly helpful
- If you can sit down Sundays and map out what you’re going to have for dinner each night it really helps when you go to the grocery store or which nights you can have leftovers.
- If I’m feeling really ambitious, I’ll get up before the kids are up and get some of the ingredients ready, so when 4:30 rolls around and I need to pull together dinner everything is ready.
Similar Bedtimes for Kids
- The big kids go to bed at 7. Ryder used to go to bed at 8pm, but that really left me no time to myself or get to spend with Alan.
- I moved his bedtime up to 7. I was worried at first he didn’t have a bedtime routine, but he takes a bath with the big kids and reads a book with them, so I realized that’s his bedtime routine.
50% Success Rate Is Great!
- If you are on schedule 50% of the time then you’re doing great. Things happen!