Rain Rain go away, what will we do indoor all day?! We tested out a bunch of indoor mess-free activities and here are our three favorites.
Stained Glass Windows
- Press N Seal
- Tissue paper
- Tape
Start by folding over the different colors of tissue paper and cutting them into different shapes. Then, lay the non-sticky side of the Press N Seal on the window and secure with tape. To create the stained glass effect, I let Presley and Ford stick all of the shapes onto the Press N Seal in any pattern their little hearts desired. This is not only fun, but a great way to teach them colors and shapes!
Coin Sorting
- Coins
- Baby food jars
This is not as boring as it sounds! Presley really enjoyed learning about the different coins and matching them all up. I used empty baby food jars, but you can really use whatever you have on hand. We played banker and you could actually see the wheels turning in her head, it was the cutest thing!
Straw Jewelry
Lastly, while Ford was sleeping we made straw jewelry. This was so simple to set up. You just cut different colored straws (tube pasta works as well) and put the string through it. This is a great activity for fine motor skills, and I got a great necklace out of it! Learning and fashion? A WIN-WIN!