How To Make ‘White Henna’ At Home

DIY white henna DIY white henna

If you’ve seen white henna beauty trend on Pinterest or Instagram, you may be surprised to learn that it’s not actually ‘henna’. Henna, or mehndi, is a form of body art originating from India, and stains your skin using paste made from a plant (typically lasts 1-4 weeks).

The designs are so beautiful, and we love emulating them with this recipe, that’s even less temporary than the real deal.



  1. Mix one part white body paint with two parts Pros-Aide Cream Adhesive. Mix it until it feels tacky.
  2. Pour the mixture into the applicator bottle.
  3. Once it’s in the bottle, you’ll want to start designing right away, as the mixture dries out quickly.
    *TIP: The thinner you make your lines, the longer your design will last & the faster it will dry.
  4. Once you’re done with your design, let it sit for about 10 minutes for it to dry.
  5. Finally, sprinkle a generous amount of corn starch over your design to seal it in. Leave the corn starch on for about 5 minutes, and then dust off with a brush.

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Laura is the host of What’s Up Moms Style & Beauty series and the mom to two girls (6 & 4), two step-sons, and dog mom to one BooBoo. After her dream of being a midwife fell through (she fainted in a friend's delivery room), she enrolled in makeup school and learned some pretty awesome tricks along the way.